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30 things about me

I'll keep editing till the number reaches 30 1. The name and url adress of this blog The name 'Gribouille' is the name that I always use for my persona (except for Mr.3rdBaseinSosa, used in some communities). Actually, this name originates from old nickname of Ha Hyeon Woo, band Guckkasten's lead vocalist. As a big fan of the band, I searched for the meaning of the word, and I found that the meaning of this French word is 'an idiot (noun)' or 'to scrawl (verb).' I completely loved this meaning, since I think my writings as a mere 'scribble' and myself as only an 'idiot,' and I also think that incompleteness makes everything so beautiful. I first named my sub-account (for uploading some works, random thoughts, and my own shallow philosophy) as 'Gribouiller Nam,' and started to consider the word as beloved persona of mine. The URL adress of this blog is 'philosophical fried chicken.' Because I'm sure that I will maj

최근 글

Food Fight - Forcing Morality

Carlos Doesn't Remember - What We Can't Overcome

The Lady Vanishes - Imprinting Prejudices